Monday, February 06, 2006


Well, this tag can be potentially an exciting exercise for the nubile, young things. Maybe not for the married species in the world. But anyways here goes because my very dear friend Meeta tagged me into it.

Rules of the game:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.

2. You have to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

So here goes:

...HE must have the intensity of Rahul Bose in Mr. and Mrs Iyer and spunk and sensitivity of SRK in Swades. :-)

...HE must love music, specially my kind - Indian classical and hindi film movies of the 60's and definitely not the kinds who seeks such in the mindless and costume-less remixes.

...HE must be a foodie. And having culinary inclinations is a huge, huge turn-on. And surprising me with some concoctions once in a while would fetch him extra brownie points. Having said that, he must also like to try out new places and cuisines.

...HE must like my friends and gel wonderfully with them. And also let me have girlie evenings with them once in a while. While he can go his way spending (inebriated or otherwise) evenings with his friends.

...HE must appreciate my need for my personal domain. And must know what cheers me the most when I am in the lowest moods. He must have that extra ounce of patience and must be the kinds who sits back and enjoys my tantrums, mood swings as well as my rants and goofups of the day. :-)

...HE must be slightly romantic. Leaving enquiring/endearing notes/smses/messages when I least expect it, will melt away my worst moods and resentments. Having company, being busy, watching cricket are alright but not convincing enough not to leave a note once in a while.

...HE must love reading and not try to raid the books I am reading. He must also like watching movies and plays. Must be ready to watch any lousy movie I'd like to see and also render readily a nice shoulder to lean on when I doze off in the movie hall.

...HE must have his own opinion about things and tell me when he disapproves of anything I do. I do not want it to be my way just because thats the most comfortable setup to end a troubled situation.

I will violate Rule 3 and leave it open for anyone who reads my blog and wants to do the exercise. Mainly because I dont think I know of 8 who havent been tagged already. :-)


At 07 February, 2006, Blogger Chatter Box said...

wow someone turns out to be quite romantic;-) Hmm interesting.!SRK in sawdes and rahul bose eh? Thats a vague combi!

At 08 February, 2006, Blogger Rat said...

I would just get depressed if i attempted to do this Tag. Depressed that im never going to find the perfect man !! Hehe.

At 08 February, 2006, Blogger Archster said...

Why do I get the feeling you just described hubby dearest :)

At 09 February, 2006, Blogger Primalsoup said...

SRK again? Its contagious!

At 09 February, 2006, Blogger RT said...

~pensive: Oh well we had a long email discussion on that. So there..!..:)

~rat: And even if, by stroke of luck, we do find the special someone, he would be anything but perfect. So it doesn't matter really..:)

~archster: Heh! Hubby dearest has a loooong way to go.:)

~primalsoup: hehe..:)
He comes poor second in the description here. But contagious alright. :)

At 10 February, 2006, Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

so luks like the romantic tags start doing the rounds when Valentine's Day is round the corner.....

At 14 February, 2006, Blogger RT said...

~swathi: You bet! And radio channels suck today. All the overdose of mush is likely to trigger diarrhea, in my opinion. Hope Belgium is treating you good. Pictures awaited!

At 21 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweets! Just wanted to say hi to one of my first blogger friends! And although I've stopped blogging, I still read your blog hun! Keep up the good work and really nice now tell us how your hubby matches up to the list! ;)

At 27 February, 2006, Blogger RT said...

~roy: Thanks. Do visit again.

~lavi: how hubby matches to the list! I guess that deserves a post in itself.
Sad that you stopped blogging though... But at least glad to see you around :-)

At 28 February, 2006, Blogger Vijayeta said...

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